The Scope of Eugenics

THE first edition of, the Robert Boyle lecture “On the Scope and Importance to the State of the Science of National Eugenics,” delivered by Prof. Karl Pearson in 1907 before the Oxford University Junior Science Club, being out of print; the author has re-issued the same through Messrs. Dulau and Co. as the first of a “Eugenics Laboratory Lecture Series,” intended to place the purport of the investigations conducted in that laboratory before the public in a simple form. The series should serve a useful purpose, as many of the original memoirs are somewhat repellent even to a reader of rather more, than, average intelligence owing to the use of highly specialised statistical methods. A translation of the lecture into German, by Dr. H. Fehlinger, has been published by, the firm of Teubner (Leipzig and Berlin) in the Archiv für Rassen-und Gesellschafts-Biologie.