Energy Contracting models in Germany and Sweden
There are many energy contracting models being used on the energy service market today. They havedifferent approaches to energy efficiency and they can also work differently on different markets. Thisthesis looks deeper into a number of energy contracting models and assesses how they function as wellas looking into their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, these contracting models will be analyzedon the Swedish and German markets, looking into trends, opportunities and threats. The energycontracting models that have been investigated include: Energy Performance Contracting, EnergySupply Contracting, Integrated Energy Contracting, Chauffage and Facility Management. Some ofthese business models have been used on the market for longer periods of time while others haverecently been developed or are starting to gain market shares. The Swedish and German energy servicemarkets are both considered mature. There are however some interesting differences which affect whattypes of energy contracts are common and how they are used. The different approaches to energyefficiency that the investigated business models present together with the assessment of how they canwork on different markets can give insights into the current market situation and how it can develop inthe future. There is a constant need to develop both existing and new business models to meet thecustomer needs. Hopefully, this thesis can serve as a basis for further discussions on introducing new,or developing existing business models on different types of markets.