Speech-to-speech translation system evaluation: results for French for the NESPOLE! project first showcase

In this paper we give the results of a set of evaluations conducted in the context of a speech to speech translation project (NESPOLE!). The chosen situation involves a client (French, German, American) talking to an Italian travel agent (both using their own language) to organize a stay in Italy. Fives series of evaluation were conducted on the same data set. The first series concerned the Automatic Speech Recognition alone. Two other series were about monolingual (back-) translation from ASR outputs on the data set and form transcriptions of the data set. The last ones were about bilingual translation from both the ASR outputs and the transcriptions. The goal of the evaluation was to check the performances of the system at the end of the second year of the project. The fives sets of results concerning the French modules are given and commented.