MIRS: an imaging spectrometer for the MMX mission

MIRS (MMX InfraRed Spectrometer) is an imaging spectrometer onboard of MMX (Martian Moon eXploration) mission. MMX is a JAXA sample return mission that will be launched in September 2024 to Martian system, to bring back to Earth sample from Phobos, to observe in detail Phobos and Deimos and to monitor Mars’s atmosphere with observations of dust storm, clouds, and distributions of total amount of water vapor. The main objectives of the mission are to understand the origin of Martian moons, to constrain the processes for planetary formation and to understand the evolutionary processes of the Martian system. MIRS is a push-broom imaging spectrometer working in the range from 0.9 to 3.6 micron.

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