The increasing number of Diabetic Uremic Patients (DUP) starting the substitutive treatment (ST) constitutes a difficult and often disappointing problem in terms of efforts, clinical results and side-effects. While treatment of these patients by C.A.P.D. is well documented, the adoption of Hemofiltration (HF), has been, up to now scarcely considered. In order to define the potentialities of a HF policy in the treatment of these patients, data from 6 DUP treated with postdilutional HF for a 10.6 months/patient period were collected on a multi-center basis and retrospectively examined. Good results were achieved in terms of vascular stability, control of arterial hypertension and of retinopathy, clinical complications and hospitalization rate. Although C.A.P.D. may represent a first choice treatment for DUP with residual function, satisfactory glicemic control, difficult blood access and a motivation to full autonomization, HF may constitute a logical alternative when C.A.P.D. should be unmanageable (visus impairment, history of repeated peritonitis and dismetabolism, considerable weight gain): an integration of HF and C.A.P.D. can assure PDU with a continuative treatment.