The linear generator as integral component of an energy converter for electric vehicles

The system in which the linear generator (LG) is integrated is called free-piston linear generator (FPLG). He is able to convert chemical energy into electrical energy by using a combustion process. The FPLG can be used as alternative energy converter for hybrid cars. By optimization of the LG it is possible to reduce the fuel consumption of a vehicle significantly. This publication deals with the calculation of a linear generator, the measurement of the reached LG efficiency and the expected fuel consumption of a FPLG based midrange car. In this publication the function and the characteristics of the free-piston linear generator will be explained first. Then the surrounding system and its effect on the FPLG and the linear generator will be pictured. This is important for the understanding of the adaptation of the linear generator to the system. After this the way of the calculation process is pictured. It is based on a 2-D FEA model. After the presentation of the calculated results a comparison between the calculation and the measured results of a physically existing linear generator is presented. The next chapter represents the outcome of the efficiency measurement. At the end of the publication the actual situation of the expected fuel consumption of a midrange car system based on a simulation is represented.