Articulated Total Body Model Enhancements. Volume 2. User's Guide

Abstract : The Articulated Total Body (ATB) Model is used to study human body biomechanics in various dynamic environments, especially aircraft ejection with windblast exposure. In order to improve the model's predicted results and capabilities, a number of modifications have been made. These modifications include the capability to have segment contact ellipsoids block the wind from other segments, an option to prescribe velocity dependent wind forces, a correction to prevent angular drift in the joints, improved contact force calculations for segment contact near a plane's edge, the capability to specify as input multi-axis angular displacements to describe the vehicle motion, a slip joint capability and a hyperellipsoid option. Along with these major changes, a number of minor corrections and clarifications have been included to form the ATB-IV version. The results of these modifications have been documented in three volumes of which this is Volume 2, The User's Guide. It contains a new input description for ATB-IV, some example simulations and other information on setting up the input and running the program.