가정의 음식물찌꺼기 분리수거 방안 도출을 위한 설문조사 연구

To suggest the separate collection system of garbage in household, people's disposition was evaluated. It was indicated that garbage be collected daily to minimize the odor which was major nuisance from garbage. However, most people wanted to discharge garbage in two or three days interval, as they did not prefer frequent handling. So, proper size of garbage container was determined as two to three days capacity. In contrast with it, it was major opinion that dicharged garbage should be collected everyday by local government to eliminate the outdoor pollution. Plastic bag was the most popular container, as it could be used instantly. Price of the bag affected on the efficiency of reduction and separate collection of garbage. Low price increased the separate collection and decreased the reduction, while high price introduced the opposite result. So. the dual price system was suggested to enhance both objectives.