Initial Seepage Field FM Analysis
The initial seepage field analysis is prerequisite and important content for the water-tight underground cavern design. Although the field water pressure test can provide a more accurate isotropic permeability coefficient,which does not reflect the anisotropy permeability of jointed rock mass.Based on joins network simulation technique,a new method for calculating the anisotropy permeability is proposed. Different sizes are generated with the programming language FISH embedded within 3DEC. The values of joint geometric characters and number of random joints in each group are decided through the derivable formulas. Principal value and characteristic vector of permeability tensor are easily calculated with Matlab software. Considering the space orthotropic permeability coefficient,the initial seepage inversion is completed with the fl_anisotropic model,the Fl_anisotropic model parameters are obtained from principal value and characteristic vector of permeability tensor. The inversion analysis provides initial seepage field for water-tight underground cavern water curtain design and stability analysis.