1. What the World Needs Now is Sustainable Work Systems (Peter Docherty, Mari Kira and A.B. (Rami) Shani) 2. Organizational Visions of Sustainability (Keith Cox) 3. The Interface Journey to Sustainability: Identity Dynamics within Cultural Incrementalism (Mona Amodeo) 4. Sustainability in Knowledge-Based Companies (Peter Brodner) 5. Sustainability and the Ageing Workforce - Considerations with regard to the German Car Manufacturing Industry (Julia Weichel, Markus Buch, Dirk Urban and Ekkehart Frieling) 6. Utilizing Technology to Support Sustainability (James Sena and A.B. (Rami) Shani) 7. Creating Sustainable, Desired Change in Teams through Application of Intentional Change and Complexity Theories (Richard Boyatzis) 8. Sustainable Heritage in a Rapidly Changing Environment (Lena Wilhelmson and Marianne Doos) 9. Learning Mechanisms in Sustainable Work System Design (Mike Stebbins and Judy Valenzuela) 10. Financial Management to Support Sustainability (Doug Cerf and Arline Savage) 11. A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Health Care (Svante Lifvergren, Tony Huzzard and Peter Docherty) 12. Three Powers of Feedback for Sustainable Multi-organizational Learning (Hilary Bradbury) 13. Labelling and Sustainability: The Case of Specialty Coffee (Mikael Roman) 14. An Initial Exploration of Sustainable Work Systems in China: An Issue of Imbalance between Economic and Social Reform (Sharon Moore and Julie Jie Wen) 15. Sustained by Work: Individual and Collective Sustainability in Work Organizations (Mari Kira and Frans M. van Eijnatten) 16. Toward a Sustainable Work Systems Design and Change Methodology (Michael Stebbins and A.B. (Rami) Shani) 17. Sustainable Work Systems: Past, Present and Future of Social Sustainability (Peter Docherty)