음식점에서 사용하는 자외선 살균소독기 내 자외선 강도 분포 및 자외선 누출

Ultraviolet sterilizers (UVS) are widely used in restaurants, cafeterias and catering businesses in Korea. The proper application of UVS, however, is still questionable since no studies have clearly identified their efficacy and safety, while regulations and regulatory management systems are yet to be established. In the present study, the efficacy of UVS were investigated by measuring spatial UV intensity inside five commercially operated UVS. The operating safety parameters were also checked by measuring leaked UV intensity. The UV intensities were inversely proportional to distance from the UV lamp within 25 ㎝, and to the square of the distance exceeding 25 ㎝. The UV intensities in commercial UVS varied with the distance from UV lamp and the incident angle, highlighting efficacy and stability concerns. Notable leakage was detected through the door gaps of a studied UVS, which also brought about safety concerns. Allowable working distances for the UV leaking UVS were suggested based on international standards.