Pesticide, heavy metal, and other chemical residues in infant and toddler total diet samples. (IV). October 1977-September 1978.
The Food and Drug Administration has conducted the Total Diet Study since 1964. The program originally focused on the average total diet of the young adult male but was eventually expanded to include the average total diets of infants and toddlers. This report is the fourth in the infant and toddler series and represents residues found in market basket samples, i.e., items comprising the average 2-week diet of infants and toddlers, collected in 10 different cities throughout 4 geographic areas of the United States from October 1977 through September 1978. The results are based on analyses of food composites representing 11 food classes into which all the food items were separated. Averages and ranges are reported for residues of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and selected metals and industrial chemicals. Recovery results are also included for various representative compounds added to a variety of food classes. The results for the adult market basket samples for the same reporting period are presented in a separate report.