Flash memory has been widely used in various embedded computing systems and portable devices in recent years because of its small size, shock-resistance, low-power consumption and non-volatile properties. To hide the disadvantages of flash memory such as out-of-place update, a flash translation layer (FTL) is usually used for providing transparent block-device emulation. But when index structures are implemented over FTL, intensive overwrite operations caused by record inserting, deleting, modifying and index reorganizing could not only degrade the performance significantly but also reduce the life of flash memory. To address the problem, BFTL and IBSF are proposed. However, neither of them could avoid the loss of records and incompatibilities when system crash occurs. In this paper, a reliable B-tree implementation called RBFTL is presented for flash-memory storage systems. It is placed between the application layer and FTL. RBFTL could minimize the loss of data and eliminate incompatibilities effectively and efficiently when system crashes. The experimental results also show that RBFTL yields a better performance than FTL.
Tei-Wei Kuo,et al.
An adaptive striping architecture for flash memory storage systems of embedded systems
Proceedings. Eighth IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.
Dong-Ho Lee,et al.
An Efficient Buffer Management Scheme for Implementing a B-Tree on NAND Flash Memory
Michael Freeston.
A general solution of the n-dimensional B-tree problem
Tei-Wei Kuo,et al.
An Efficient B-Tree Layer for Flash-Memory Storage Systems
Rudolf Bayer,et al.
Organization and maintenance of large ordered indexes
Acta Informatica.
R. Bayer,et al.
Organization and maintenance of large ordered indices
Siwoo Byun,et al.
Flash Memory Lock Management for Portable Information Systems
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst..