Boundary Artifact Reduction in View Synthesis of 3D Video: From Perspective of Texture-Depth Alignment

3D Video (3DV) with depth-image-based view synthesis is a promising candidate of next generation broadcasting applications. However, the synthesized views in 3DV are often contaminated by annoying artifacts, particularly notably around object boundaries, due to imperfect depth maps (e.g., produced by state-of-the-art stereo matching algorithms or compressed lossily). In this paper, we first review some representative methods for boundary artifact reduction in view synthesis, and make an in-depth investigation into the underlying mechanisms of boundary artifact generation from a new perspective of texture-depth alignment in boundary regions. Three forms of texture-depth misalignment are identified as the causes for different boundary artifacts, which mainly present themselves as scattered noises on the background and object erosion on the foreground. Based on the insights gained from the analysis, we propose a novel solution of suppression of misalignment and alignment enforcement (denoted as SMART) between texture and depth to reduce background noises and foreground erosion, respectively, among different types of boundary artifacts. The SMART is developed as a three-step pre-processing in view synthesis. Experiments on view synthesis with original and compressed texture/depth data consistently demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method as compared with other relevant boundary artifact reduction schemes.

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