Annals of Epidemiology

Purpose: This study aimed to examine parents/caregivers intentions to vac- cinate their children against COVID-19 and factors influencing vaccination decision-making in India. Methods: Parents/caregivers of children below 18 years in Mysore, India were invited to participate in an interviewer-administered questionnaire on vaccine confidence, intent-to-vaccinate their child against COVID-19, reasons for hesitancy, health care decision-making, and knowledge of COVID-19 re- lated information. Results: Of 194 respondents, 97.9% were parents and 2.1% were caregivers. Mean age was 34.1 ± 6.9 years with 94.8% being female. Half the respondents were high-school graduates (54.6%), and a third received less than eight years of education (34.6%). The respondents had an average of two children. Most parents make decisions about their child’s healthcare with their spouse (64.9%), and trust safe vaccine development for children (88.7%). Most were aware of their child’s eligibility for COVID-19 vac- cines soon (89.2%); 79.4% were themselves fully vaccinated, 16.5% were par-tially vaccinated and 4.1% were unvaccinated. On the vaccine confidence scale, 92.3% showed high confidence while 7.7% showed low confidence. Most commonly, parents wanted to vaccinate children for protection against COVID-19 infection (91.7%