Adjusting the energy thresholds of a nonlinear vibration absorber

Transient excitations are known to be a source of severe damage to the vital components (flexible couplings, gear boxes) of a dredger drive line. A possible means to mitigate the re-sulting vibration amplitudes is the attachment of a vibration absorber. As the classical linear absorber is only efficient for a single vibration mode, a strongly nonlinear variant has re-cently been proposed allowing a multimodal vibration reduction. An important feature of this nonlinear absorber is the existence of different energy thresholds for each vibration mode, be-low which no efficient vibration reduction is possible. Therefore, as a first step of a design procedure, we examine in detail these thresholds and their influencing parameters. When one vibration mode dominates the response, the analysis can be reduced to that of a harmonically excited single DOF system. By nondimensionalizing this system, it appears that only one di-mensionless parameter comprises all the influencing parameters of the energy thresholds which greatly simplifies the analysis. This result can facilitate the design procedure of the nonlinear vibration absorber when dealing with multimodal responses.