Data was available on 498 horses registered by the Brazilian Association of Campeiro Horse Breeders. This included individual data on 16 linear traits [shoulder height (SH), mid back height (MBH), withers height (WH), back height (BH), head length (HL), neck length (NL), back length (BL), shoulder length (SL), hip length (HiL), body length (BOL), head width (HW), chest width (CW), hip width (HIW), chest circumference (CC), cannon bone circumference (CBC)], space under horse (SUH), coat color, temperament and nine subjective traits taken at registration. Body indices and weight were calculated from standard formulae where pectoral index (PI)= WH/SUH, dactyl-thoracic index (DTI), weight (BW), length index (LI), body index (BI), thorax index (TI), conformation index (CI), work index 1 (WI1) and work index 2 (WI2), compact index 1 (COI1) and compact index 2 (COI2). The effect of sex of animal, month, age and year of registration as well as coat color on the measurements was carried out using SAS® (Statistical Analysis System). The Campeiro horse is well proportioned with WH (1.46 m) slightly higher than SH. It is an animal that is between saddle and light traction, with a mean weight 419.96 kg, and medium length. WI1 and WI2 show that it can support 117.16 kg at a trot or gallop and a maximum weight of 198.76 kg at a fast walk. Variance coefficients varied widely but low measures predominated. Sex and coat color were not important sources of variation for measurements and indices. Month of registration influenced CC, CP, CD, CE, LP, LA, PT, PC and most indices. Year of registration did not influence AC, AD, ACost, CC, LP and PT, but was significant for the other linear measures and only for IT in the indices. Age influenced ACost, CD, LC, LP, LA, PT and most indices. The most popular coat color was chestnut followed by bay and dark grey.