Exploring the causal influence of construction project features in accident causation

Health and safety (H&S) studies within the UK construction industry have revealed the complex and multi-faceted nature of accident causation. In this regard several causal factors have been identified resulting in the formulation of measures including legislation to mitigate these factors. In reporting the causal factors in construction accidents studies have only made passing reference to the causal influence of construction project features (CPFs). However there is considerable evidence which demonstrate the causal link between CPFs and accidents. Through a critique of health and safety (H&S) literature within the UK construction industry, it emerges that CPFs such as the nature of project, method of construction, site restriction, project duration, procurement system, design complexity, level of construction, and subcontracting influence accident occurrence on projects. Beyond creating the awareness of the accident causal influence of CPFs, a simplified accident causation model illustrating the causal influence of CPFs is presented. It is argued that giving attention to this causal influence will be necessary if sustained improvement in construction health and safety is to be achieved. Project participants from whose decisions CPFs emanate would therefore have to take into consideration the accident causal influence of CPFs in their decision-making so as to positively influence the H&S outcomes of projects.