In the design of ultra-deepwater steel pipelines, it is important to be able to determine the pipe behaviour while subjected to external pressure and bending. In many cases, the ultra-deepwater lay process, where these high loads exist, governs the structural design of the pipeline. Much work has been performed in this area, and it is generally recognized that there is a lack of test data on full-scale samples of line pipe from which analyses can be accurately benchmarked. This paper presents the results of a nil-scale test program and finite element analyses performed on seamless steel line pipe samples intended for ultra-deepwater applications. The work involved obtaining full-scale test data and further enhancing existing finite element analysis models to accurately predict the collapse and post-collapse response of ultra-deepwater pipelines. The work and results represent a continuing effort aimed at understanding the behaviour of pipes subjected to external pressure and bending, accounting for the numerous variables influencing pipeline collapse, and predicting collapse and post-collapse behaviour with increasing confidence. The test program was performed at C-FER Technologies (C-FER), Canada, with the analyses undertaken by the Center for Industrial Research (CINI), Argentina. The results of this work have demonstrated very good agreement between the finite element predictions and the laboratory observations. This allows increased confidence in using the finite element models to predict collapse and post-collapse behaviour of pipelines subject to external pressure and bending.Copyright © 2003 by ASME