개선된 미소면 모델을 적용한 매스콘크리트 기초슬래브의 초기균열거동 해석
Early age cracking of concrete is a widespread and complicate problem, and diverse applications in practical ingineering have focused on this issue. Since massive concrete base slab composes the infrastructure of other concrete structures such as pier, concrete dam, and high rise buildings, early age cracking of that is considered as a crucial problem. In this study, finite element analysis (FEA) implemented with the age-dependent microplane model was performed. For a massibe concrete base slab, cracking initiation and propagation, and deformation variation were investigaed with concrete age. In massive concrete slab, autogenous shrinkage increases the risk of early age cracking and it reduces reinforcement effect on control of early age cracking. Gruadual crack occrence is experienced form exterior surface towards interior of the slab in case of combined hydration heat and autogenous shrinkage. FEA implementd with enhanced microplane model successfully simulates the typical cracking patterns due to edge restraint in concrete base slab.