Elementary Quantum Chemistry

Origins of the Quantum Theory. The Schrodinger Wave Equation. The Quantum Mechanics of Some Simple Systems: Free Particle, Particle In a Box, Tunnelling, and Harmonic Oscillator. Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum: The Rigid Rotator. The Hydrogen Atom. Approximate Solutions To The Schrodinger Equation. Electron Spin and Many-Electron Systems. The Quantum States of Atoms. The Algebra of Many-Electron Calculations. The Hartree-Fock Self-Consistent Field Method: The Optimization of the Orbital Approximation. Introduction to Molecular Structure. The Electronic Structure of Linear Molecules. The Electronic Structure of NonLinear Molecules. Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Methods: I. PI Electron Systems. Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Methods: II. Al Valence-Electron Systems.