The fifth generation mobile communications (5G) system will need to support ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC) to enable future mission-critical applications, e.g., self-driving cars and remote control. With the aim to verify the feasibility of URLLC related 5G requirements under real environments, field experimental trials of URLLC using new frame structure were conducted in Yokohama, Japan. In this paper, we present the trial results and investigate the impact of 5G new frame structure and retransmission method on URLLC performance. To reduce the user-plane latency and improve the packet success probability, a 60-kHz subcarrier spacing, self-contained frame structure and acknowledgement/negative acknowledgement-less (ACK/NACK-less) retransmission are adopted. We test these techniques in real field using our prototype test-bed. The field trial results show that the URLLC related requirements defined by 3GPP are achieved even for a low signal-to-noise ratio or non-line-of-sight locations.
Yan Guo,et al.
Enhancing OFDM by Pulse Shaping for Self-Contained TDD Transmission in 5G
2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).
IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond M Series Mobile , radiodetermination , amateur and related satellite services
Preben E. Mogensen,et al.
A Flexible Frame Structure for 5G Wide Area
2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Fall).
Jussi Turkka,et al.
A Novel Radio Frame Structure for 5G Dense Outdoor Radio Access Networks
2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).