【Abstract】This paper presents a method of massive and distributed spatial information search based on grid technology. The service of grid dispatch for massive and distributed spatial information is developed by using gird development tool ProActive. A massive spatial information hidden-search engine is designed and implemented based on the integration of capturing words from screen technology, identification technology for geographic position name and massive spatial information search on grid. The service of instantaneous, implicit and dynamic spatial information acquiring for 300 Chinese cities is also achieved. The engine provides a new technology for massive spatial information services. 【Key words】Spatial information search; Position name identification; Grid; ProActive
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Mining Both Positive and Negative Association Rules
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Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation
SIGMOD 2000.
Bart Goethals,et al.
Survey on Frequent Pattern Mining
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Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases
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Mining Positive and Negative Association Rules: An Approach for Confined Rules