Semantic Analysis and 3D Generation of Buildings and Cities
The Urban Ontology implementation of buildings and cities, say the urban fabric, could be described as a structured formal knowledge composed of both (1) a group of elemental portions of urban fabric, defined urban elements, and (2) a set of relations between those urban elements. Afterwards is considered the UrbanGen system that interprets the Ontology to generate portions of urban fabric. The software allows the user to vary some urban elements or relations, and to verify such new urban fabrics that are generated; at this point of the process, the phase of verification of the method and the phase of design overlap. In order to highlight the potential of the method used, and to verify the correctness of the determination of unity of knowledge, we set up the inverse exercise of the construction of urban fabrics through the use of UrbanGen. To this aim, we analyse some existing urban fabrics, and deconstruct them, reducing them to individual urban elements and relations that bind them. UrbanGen introduces and uses the urban template to model the requirements and the options of projects. An application to generate and evaluate design alternative for an eco-industrial park is introduced and discussed.