A Slotted Multichannel MAC Protocol for Fair Resource Allocation in VANET

Thisarticleproposesaslottedmultichannelmediumaccesscontrol(SMMAC)protocolforVANETs toreduceCCHcongestion,decreaseRSUdependency,increasesafetyanddatapacket’sreliability andimprovefairnessamongvehicles.Themainentityistheclusterheadthatnotonlynotifiesallthe vehiclesunderthesameclusteraboutthepresentstateofservicechannelandfuturedatatransmissions butalsoimposesaconditiononthemaximumnumberofvehiclesallowedinsideacluster.Controlled vehicledensity reducesCCHcollisions and as a result, itmakes theprotocol better in termsof packetdelivery.Toeliminatetheinter-clusterhiddenterminalproblem,intheproposedalgorithm, eachclusterusesaservicechanneldifferentfromitsneighboringcluster.Analyzingthesystemfor bothdenseandsparsescenarioitcanbeseenthroughsimulationresultsthattheproposedprotocol performsmuchbetterincomparisontoIEEE802.11pwithrespecttoThroughput,PDRandDelay. KEywoRdS Clustering, Fairness, High Mobility, IoT, Multi-Channel Hidden Terminal, Slotting, VANET, Vehicle to Vehicle

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