Extreme fear, shyness, and social phobia : origins, biological mechanisms, and clinical outcomes
I. THE PHENOMENA AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDHOOD SHYNESS AND FEAR: CONCEPTUAL AND BIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. The concept of behavioral inhibition 2. Individual differences in childhood shyness: Distinguishing fearful and self-conscious shyness 3. Attachment, temperament, and adrenocortical function in infancy 4. Socially-anxious "Jack," socially-avoidant "Jill": Conceptual, biological, and behavioral distinctions among different categories of shy children 5. Behavioral inhibition and the emotional circuitry of the brain: Stability and plasticity during the early childhood years Commentary: II. ENDOCRINE AND NEURAL BASIS OF FEAR: IMPLICATIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING EXTREME SHYNESS AND DEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOME 6. Neural mechanisms and the development of individual differences in behavioral inhibition 7. Neural circuits underlying fear 8. Neuroendocrine regulation of fear and anxiety 9. Life-long effects of hormones on brain development: Relation to healh and disease Commentary: III. DEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES AND CLINICAL PERSPECTIVES 10. Varieties of shyness in adolescence and adulthood 11. The natural course of shyness and related syndromes 12. High sensitivity as one source of fearfulness and shyness: Preliminary research and clinical implications 13. Extreme fear and shyness: treatment and intervention Commentary: