The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on mobile coupon sharing in social network sites: The role of coupon proneness

– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of two intrinsic (i.e. sense of self-worth and socializing) and two extrinsic motivations (i.e. economic reward and reciprocity) on mobile coupon (m-coupon) sharing by users in social network sites (SNSs). Moreover, this study examines how coupon proneness moderates the relationship between motivations and m-coupon sharing in SNSs. , – A research model that integrates four motivations, coupon proneness, and m-coupon sharing is developed. Quantitative data from 247 users are collected via online and offline survey. Partial least squares technique is employed to evaluate the measurement model, and hypotheses are tested through hierarchical regression analysis. , – Sense of self-worth, socializing, economic reward and reciprocity have positive effects on m-coupon sharing in SNSs. Furthermore, coupon proneness positively moderates the relationship of socializing and reciprocity with m-coupon sharing, whereas the moderating effects of coupon proneness on the relationship of sense of self-worth and economic reward with m-coupon sharing are insignificant. , – The findings highlight the integrated effects of coupon proneness and motivations on m-coupon sharing in SNS. The impact of socializing and reciprocity on m-coupon sharing is higher for users with higher coupon proneness. However, the effect of sense of self-worth and economic reward on m-coupon sharing is the same regardless of coupon proneness of users. Therefore, although users with different motivations should be identified, SNSs and merchants should develop different incentive mechanisms to promote m-coupon sharing among various users.

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