MDA (Model Driven Architecture) attempts to solve some common problems of current software architectures to reduce the complexity of software development: i) separation of technology dependent concepts from the independent concepts, ii) automate the software development process, and iii) separation of domain, technology and technological concerns to avoid the confusions because of the combination of different types of concepts. MDA introduces two basic solutions to solve these problems: i) description of specialized modeling languages and ii) model transformations and mappings. Currently, the first concept (description of specialized modeling language) has been widely studied and there are general solutions and standards (Profiles [5] and MOF [12]). But the second solution has not been well studied yet and practical solutions depend on specific script languages, and the standards that include some kind of mapping proposal make an informal description of the mappings. We are going to introduce some solutions to express complex transformations where the source and target modeling structures are not limited to simple modeling elements.
John D. Poole.
Model-Driven Architecture: Vision, Standards And Emerging Technologies
Axel Uhl,et al.
Model-Driven Architecture
OOIS Workshops.
Jon Siegel.
Developing in OMG’s New Model-Driven Architecture
Martin Gogolla,et al.
Validating UML Models and OCL Constraints
David W. Flater,et al.
Impact of model-driven standards
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
P. Desfray.
MDA -- When a major software industry trend meets our toolset
Andy Evans,et al.
Engineering Modelling Languages: A Precise Meta-Modelling Approach
Richard Hubert,et al.
Convergent Architecture: Building Model-Driven J2EE Systems with UML
Version,et al.
Model-Driven Architecture and Integration Opportunities and Challenges
Jean Bézivin,et al.
From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA