Numerically-Exact Schrödinger Dynamics of Closed and Open Many-Boson Systems with the MCTDHB Package

The quantum many-body dynamics of indistinguishable, interacting particles are described by the time-dependent many-body Schrodinger equation (TDSE). The TDSE constitutes a difficult problem and is not solvable analytically in most cases. The present review article expedites and benchmarks the capabilities of a novel theoretical method, the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for bosons (MCTDHB) that is designed for solving the TDSE of interacting bosonic particles. The MCTDHB package is a software implementation that solves the equations of motion of MCTDHB numerically. It is assessed with a benchmark versus an analytically treatable model of trapped interacting bosons (a closed system) that the MCTDHB is capable of solving the TDSE for bosons numerically exactly, i.e., to any desired numerical precision. Furthermore, the structure and parallelization of the MCTDHB package as well as an application to the tunneling to open space dynamics [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 13521 (2012)] are discussed.

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