Conflict management and resolution in regions of long congronted nations : supplementary ways for improving international stability (SWIIS 2000) : a proceedings volume from the 7th IFAC workshop, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 22-24 May, 2000

This Proceedings contains the papers presented at the 7th IFAC Workshop on Supplementary Ways for Improving International Stability held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia on 22-24 May 2000. There are twenty papers which discuss a wide and diverse selection of issues such as peace, conflict, ethics, tourism, social systems and international law in relation to regions of long-confronted nations. Paper 1 is an invited plenary lecture which is dedicated to the study of mutual relationship and relevance of systems theory and human science. Paper 2 is the keynote lecture dedicated to the study of the concept of active peace. Paper 3 is the SWIIS 2000 survey paper dedicated to surveying the development of the application of systems engineering methods to international conflict resolution. Session one looked at behaviour indicated with slogans and proverbs and general security modelling in society systems via a view stability as ever evolving property and a need for safety and stability. Session two discusses power distribution, processes of coalition formation and conditions for multipolar stability. Structural analysis and modelling of complex hierarchical systems is also addressed here. The third session looks at how fuzzy information is dealt with in human organisation systems and the theory of using fuzzy systems for analysing society systems in transitional crisis and reformulation of national goals. The fourth session is dedicated to non-technical problems in crisis or similar situations in society systems represented by issues of ethics, fairness and justice. In session five the authors presented the modelling and management results of their ownmulti-national co-operation following their goals and purposes. It also explores a new methodological approach to international cross-boundary co-operation in regions of long confronted nations which is enhanced by common ecological concerns and tendencies to save the living environment for future generations. The impact of NATO action on supplemental ways intended to improve international stability, with a primary focus on the 1999 Kosovo crisis is discussed in session six. Session seven looked at methods which can be used in order to empower individuals, teams, and even larger social groups to become more competent in coping with changes. The impact of developing tourism and tourist industries on cross-border international co-operation in regions of long confronted nations is also discussed here.