Heat Pasteurization of Mechanically Deboned Poultry Meat

Abstract Mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM), which had been stuffed into frankfurter casings, was heat pasteurized in a water bath for up to 6 minutes at temperatures of 59°C., 62°C., 65°C., 68°C., or 71°C. Using data from total aerobic plate counts, a thermal destruction curve was prepared showing the time-temperature relationships required to achieve equal degrees of pasteurization. Pasteurized samples of MDPM were stored at 3°C. for up to 12 days and at −18°C. for up to 25 weeks. The shelf-life of MDPM (as measured by total bacterial numbers) was extended by heat pasteurization since the initial level of bacteria was greatly reduced. However, the rate of bacterial growth in pasteurized MDPM was equivalent to or slightly greater than in non-pasteurized MDPM.