Radio frequency identification network is becoming so popular nowadays because of its reliability and security that it provides in wireless communication betweeen RFID tag and system . RFIDs came into exisstance during II World War which which was devoloped by British and was named IFF( Identification freind and foe ) since then many modifications has been made in this technology and today this techonology has wide range of application in suplly chains , cash cards , airoplanes , animal tagging etc . RFID is one of the most commen used techonology in todays world reson being less interfarence of human being which enhaces the rate of Data computaion and decends the chances of error . As this techonogly came into existanece about 50 years ago only due to which it privides us with numerouse resarch oppurtunities as well as risk .Objective of this paper is to preset an introduction about RFID techinque and its application .