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Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the views of USAID, or other members of HIPNET or their organizations who reviewed or contributed to the report. HIPNET welcomes requests to translate, adapt, reprint, or otherwise reproduce the material in this document, providing the source is credited by including the suggested citation above. This work may not be used for commercial purposes. HIPNET would appreciate receiving copies or electronic references to secondary uses of the Guide's contents. Please send such references to Peggy D'Adamo ( Acknowledgements Many people have helped us in this endeavor, and we, the authors, are extremely grateful for their support and contributions. We are indebted to members of the HIPNET M&E Subcommittee for starting the process, collecting valuable information indicators and data collection methodologies from HIPNET members, and providing guidance on how to logically organize indicators. We would like to thank FHI in particular for their intellectual contribution to the Guide—sharing their ideas and insights from their experience measuring outcome indicators. We would like to thank all HIPNET members for their support throughout this endeavor. HIPNET members took time to share examples from their work and to provide guidance and encouragement throughout the process. In particular, we would like to acknowledge those who reviewed draft versions of this document: (FHI), all of whom championed this eff ort from the beginning and provided guidance through all stages of the process. We are also indebted to the following individuals for providing success stories for the appendix of the Guide: A number of people from organizations that participate in HIPNET also provided useful comments and suggestions at various stages in the process. We would like to thank We would like to give very special thanks to the technical reviewers who provided valuable comments on the contents and methodology: Jane T. Lastly, we are extremely grateful to USAID for supporting this undertaking. Specifi cally, we would like to thank Gloria Coe, Sarah Harbison, and Steve Settimi for reviewing the Guide and providing sound advice.