교과교실제 운영에 따른 공간구성 변화에 대한 현황분석
Recently, many middle and high schools are remodeling the buildings and facilities based on departmental system. This study, through analyzing on 10 remodeling cases of high school, is showing the variation before and after remodeling, space organization types, and the types of school management. This also gives us the information on the number of classrooms and teachers' rooms for each subject, the area and number of home base, and the current state of all these facilities. Furthermore, this study is comparing and analyzing the rate of use of specialized classrooms to the type of management. Through this analysis, we reach the following conclusions. l. However all the cases remodeled their buildings to implement departmental system, the methods of space composition, the numbers of the classrooms, and the status of home base are in various forms. 2. Taken as a whole, there are only few spaces used by departmental system. 3. The spaces for practical subjects such as Science and Art are inadequate than the ones for major subjects such as Languages and Mathematics. 4. A system to assign a room for a teacher records the lowest space usage rate. 5. The area of home base per one student is only , and even the area is mostly filled with lockers. The present condition of the 10 high schools which we surveyed shortly after remodeled shows that departmental system is not firmly settled down yet.