외식산업 관리자를 위한 효과적인 교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

One of the most important issues faced by manager of food industry is the lack of management development program. This study on the management development program was to take a look at the training problem for the food industry of Korea through secondary data or literature, and with conceptual framework designed based on the literature review, examined what is effective management development program for manager in food industry. The purposes of this study are: (1) Identifying the factor to management development program. (2) Provision of a executive management development program. The conclusion and suggestion obtained from this study can be summarized as followed. First, it has shown that there is big difference between the present training level and future training need level on three training contents. Second, there were differences in three training contents especially according to operation type and organization size. Third, job satisfaction factor, training satisfaction factor, training aid factor, training effectiveness factor has correlated each other. From this study, we could get several strategies and programs for management development.