Overset Euler/Boundary-Layer Solver with Panel-Based Aerodynamic Modeling for Aeroelastic Applications

An Euler solver with boundary-layer option, overset/sheared Cartesian mesh, and automated mesh-generation capability has been developed for aeroelastic applications to complex aircraftlike configurations. The automated mesh-generation scheme can automatically generate a block mesh by extending the grid lines from surface meshes to the entire flowfield. In this way, the surface mesh can adopt the paneling definition required by commonly practiced aerodynamic panel methods as input. The overset/sheared-Cartesian-mesh capability allows convenient modeling of very complex configurations, such as an aircraft with external stores, in which the aircraft and stores are modeled by different blocks of meshes. This paper does not describe a novel computational method nor provide new insight into the characteristics of physical problem. Rather, it offers a user-friendly and cost-effective computational methodology that can be readily adopted by industry for rapid aeroelastic applications.

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