Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Part I: Patterns of Variation Over Time. The Development of Behavior. Pregnancy, Birth and the First Days of Life. Infancy and Toddler Years. The Preschool Years. Middle Childhood. Adolescent Development and Behavior: Implications for the Primary Care Physician. Evolving Parenthood: A Developmental Perspective. The Development of Behavioral Individuality. Effects of Gender on Development and Behavior. Part Ii: Millieux and Circumstances. Culture and Ethnicity. Variations in Family Composition. Brothers and Sisters. Adoption and Foster Family Care. Critical Life Events: Sibling Births, Separations, And Deaths in the Family. Separation, Divorce, And Remarriage. Family Function and Dysfunction. The Neighborhood: Poverty, Affluence, Geographic Mobility, And Violence. Electronic Media. Disasters. Schools as Millieux. Child Care. Part Iii: Biological Influences. Genes, Behavior and Development. Chromosomal Disorders. Down Syndrome: Care of the Child and Family. Congenital Anomalies. Stresses and Interventions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Central Nervous System Disorders. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Children. Effects of Nutrition on Development and Behavior. Toxins. Part Iv: General Medical Illness Effects. Acute Minor Illness. Hospitalization, Surgery, And Medical Procedures. Early Health Crises and Vulnerable Children. Chronic Illness. Life Threatening and Terminal Illness in Childhood. Part V: Outcomes During Childhood. Recurrent Pains in Childhood. Colic: Prolonged or Excessive Crying in Young Infants. Child and Adolescent Obesity. Disordered Eating Behaviors: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, And Rumination Disorder. Common Issues in Feeding. Failure to Thrive. Enuresis. Encopresis. Sleep Disorders. Repetitive Behaviors. Body Image: Developmental and Distortion. Gross Motor Dysfunction: Evaluation and Management. Development of Sexuality and Its Problems. Aggressive Behavior and Delinquency. Substance Use, Abuse, And Dependence. Developmental Implications of Violence in Youth. Attention and Dysfunctions of Attention. Neurodevelopmental Variation and Dysfunction Among School-Aged Children. Social Ability and Inability. Maladaptation to School. Mental Retardation. Hearing Impairment. Visual Impairment and Blindness. Cerebral Palsy. Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Child with Multiple Disabilities. Emotional Problems in Children with Serious Developmental Disabilities. Disorders of Speech and Language. Major Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence. The Gifted Child. Part Vi: Assessing and Describing Variation. The Interview. Pediatric Assessment of Behavioral Adjustment and Behavioral Style. Developmental Screening: Infants, Toddlers, And Preschoolers. Developmental Assessment of the School Age Child. Intelligence: Concepts, Theories Controversies. Educational Assessment. Psychological Testing. Neuropsychological Assessment of Children. Diagnostic Studies of the Central Nervous System. Comprehensive Formulation of Assessment. Part Vii: The Enhancement of Development and Adaptation. Pediatric Counselling. Psychotherapy with Children. Child Behavior Management. Special Education Services for Children with Disabilities. Early Intervention Services. The Arts Therapies. Pediatric Psychopharmacology. The Emergency Room Management of Behavioral Crises. Alternative Therapies. Pediatric Self-Regulation. Referral Processes. Part Viii: Legal and Ethical Issues. Legal Issues. Legislation for the Education of Children with Disabilities. The Right to Be Different.