Advances in oxide-based conductive bridge memory (CBRAM) technology for computing systems

Abstract In this chapter, we propose to discuss how emerging resistive memories can break the memory bottleneck in computing applications, both in design and technology perspectives. A specific focus is made on oxide-based conductive bridge memory (CBRAM) with Cu-based active electrode. This chapter is structured as follows: We first present the main memory design architectures used for resistive random access memory (RRAM), then we show where these memories can be used in a computer architecture for which benefits and their requirements for that purpose. Then, we discuss RRAM technology aspects. We start from the material properties of the layers constituting the memory stack. Based on ab initio calculations, we provide insights on the conductive filament composition, and the competition between Cu and V O diffusion mechanisms in various metal oxide resistive layers. Then we present an in-depth electrical characterization of RRAM. The performances of emerging memories are deeply discussed in terms of window margin, speed, endurance, retention, and consumption. Trade off and correlation existing among these features are analyzed, clarifying the potential offered by each RRAM stack. The limits and roadblocks of emerging memories (among them the critical point of variability) are discussed and potential solutions are proposed. Finally, we evaluate how the device performances can match the product specifications for computing applications. The different levels where each emerging memory concepts could be integrated and would be the most efficient are discussed.