Real-time Rendering

ausgeführt in den Jahren 2001–2007 zum Zwecke der Erlangung der venia docendi (Lehrbefugnis) im Habilitationsfach " Praktische Informatik " eingereicht im Mai 2007

[1]  Bui Tuong Phong Illumination for computer generated pictures , 1975, Commun. ACM.

[2]  Franklin C. Crow,et al.  Shadow algorithms for computer graphics , 1977, SIGGRAPH.

[3]  Lance Williams,et al.  Casting curved shadows on curved surfaces , 1978, SIGGRAPH.

[4]  M. F.,et al.  Bibliography , 1985, Experimental Gerontology.

[5]  David Salesin,et al.  Rendering antialiased shadows with depth maps , 1987, SIGGRAPH.

[6]  Frederick P. Brooks,et al.  Towards image realism with interactive update rates in complex virtual building environments , 1990, I3D '90.

[7]  Carlo H. Séquin,et al.  Visibility preprocessing for interactive walkthroughs , 1991, SIGGRAPH.

[8]  Harald Niederreiter,et al.  Random number generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods , 1992, CBMS-NSF regional conference series in applied mathematics.

[9]  Jarek Rossignac,et al.  Multi-resolution 3D approximations for rendering complex scenes , 1993, Modeling in Computer Graphics.

[10]  Carlo H. Séquin,et al.  Adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame rates during visualization of complex virtual environments , 1993, SIGGRAPH.

[11]  Mateu Sbert,et al.  An Integral Geometry Based Method for Fast Form‐Factor Computation , 1993, Comput. Graph. Forum.

[12]  Steven Molnar,et al.  Second-Depth Shadow Mapping , 1994 .

[13]  Ronald Pose,et al.  Priority rendering with a virtual reality address recalculation pipeline , 1994, SIGGRAPH.

[14]  John Rohlf,et al.  IRIS performer: a high performance multiprocessing toolkit for real-time 3D graphics , 1994, SIGGRAPH.

[15]  Claude Puech,et al.  Radiosity and global illumination , 1994 .

[16]  James Lowell Helman,et al.  Architecture and Performance of Entertainment Systems , 1995 .

[17]  Marc Levoy,et al.  Light field rendering , 1996, SIGGRAPH.

[18]  David P. Luebke,et al.  View-dependent simplification of arbitrary polygonal environments , 1997, SIGGRAPH.

[19]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Load Balancing for Smooth LODs , 1998 .

[20]  Richard Szeliski,et al.  Layered depth images , 1998, SIGGRAPH.

[21]  Anselmo Lastra,et al.  Automatic image placement to provide a guaranteed frame rate , 1999, SIGGRAPH.

[22]  Frédo Durand,et al.  3d visibility: analytical study and applications , 1999 .

[23]  Richard Pito,et al.  A Solution to the Next Best View Problem for Automated Surface Acquisition , 1999, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell..

[24]  Marie-Paule Cani,et al.  Eurographics , 1999 .

[25]  H Lieu,et al.  TRAFFIC-FLOW THEORY , 1999 .

[26]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Fast walkthroughs with image caches and ray casting , 1999, Comput. Graph..

[27]  Craig Gotsman,et al.  Optimized occlusion culling using five-dimensional subdivision , 1999, Comput. Graph..

[28]  Wolfgang Stuerzlinger,et al.  Imaging all Visible Surfaces , 1999, Graphics Interface.

[29]  Hugues Hoppe,et al.  Optimization of mesh locality for transparent vertex caching , 1999, SIGGRAPH.

[30]  François X. Sillion,et al.  Conservative volumetric visibility with occluder fusion , 2000, SIGGRAPH.

[31]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Visibility Preprocessing with Occluder Fusion for Urban Walkthroughs , 2000, Rendering Techniques.

[32]  Carlos Andújar,et al.  LOD visibility culling and occluder synthesis , 2000, Comput. Aided Des..

[33]  Marc Levoy,et al.  QSplat: a multiresolution point rendering system for large meshes , 2000, SIGGRAPH.

[34]  Matthias Zwicker,et al.  Surfels: surface elements as rendering primitives , 2000, SIGGRAPH.

[35]  Joëlle Thollot,et al.  Conservative visibility preprocessing using extended projections , 2000, SIGGRAPH.

[36]  Donald P. Greenberg,et al.  Adaptive shadow maps , 2001, SIGGRAPH.

[37]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Point-Based Impostors for Real-Time Visualization , 2001, Rendering Techniques.

[38]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Instant Visibility , 2001, Comput. Graph. Forum.

[39]  Pat Hanrahan,et al.  A real-time procedural shading system for programmable graphics hardware , 2001, SIGGRAPH.

[40]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Visibility preprocessing for urban scenes using line space subdivision , 2001, Proceedings Ninth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications. Pacific Graphics 2001.

[41]  Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,et al.  The randomized z-buffer algorithm: interactive rendering of highly complex scenes , 2001, SIGGRAPH.

[42]  Daniel Cohen-Or,et al.  Hardware-Accelerated from-Region Visibility Using a Dual Ray Space , 2001, Rendering Techniques.

[43]  Edwin H. Blake,et al.  Exact From-Region Visibility Culling , 2002, Rendering Techniques.

[44]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Layered Environment-Map Impostors for Arbitrary Scenes , 2002, Graphics Interface.

[45]  Hans-Peter Seidel,et al.  Practical Shadow Mapping , 2002, J. Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools.

[46]  Jan Kautz,et al.  Precomputed radiance transfer for real-time rendering in dynamic, low-frequency lighting environments , 2002 .

[47]  Jirí Bittner Efficient construction of visibility maps using approximate occlusion sweep , 2002, SCCG '02.

[48]  George Drettakis,et al.  Robust epsilon visibility , 2002, ACM Trans. Graph..

[49]  Ji ˇ ´ Bittner,et al.  Hierarchical Techniques for Visibility Computations , 2002 .

[50]  Beverly Sackler,et al.  Ray Space Factorization for From-Region Visibility , 2002 .

[51]  George Drettakis,et al.  Perspective shadow maps , 2002, ACM Trans. Graph..

[52]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (2002) Textured Depth Meshes for Real-time Rendering of Arbitrary Scenes , 2022 .

[53]  Pat Hanrahan,et al.  Shadow silhouette maps , 2003, ACM Trans. Graph..

[54]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Delivering Interactivity to Complex Tone Mapping Operators , 2003, Rendering Techniques.

[55]  Philipp Slusallek,et al.  Realtime Ray Tracing and its use for Interactive Global Illumination , 2003, Eurographics.

[56]  Marc Stamminger,et al.  Sequential point trees , 2003, ACM Trans. Graph..

[57]  Frédo Durand,et al.  A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications , 2003, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph..

[58]  Dinesh Manocha,et al.  Simplifying complex environments using incremental textured depth meshes , 2003, ACM Trans. Graph..

[59]  Kok-Lim Low,et al.  Computing a View Frustum to Maximize an Object's Image Area , 2003, J. Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools.

[60]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Rendering Time Estimation for Real-Time Rendering , 2003, Rendering Techniques.

[61]  Dinesh Manocha,et al.  Interactive shadow generation in complex environments , 2003, ACM Trans. Graph..

[62]  Tiow Seng Tan,et al.  Anti-aliasing and Continuity with Trapezoidal Shadow Maps , 2004, Rendering Techniques.

[63]  Edwin H. Blake,et al.  Hardware Accelerated Visibility Preprocessing using Adaptive Sampling , 2004, Rendering Techniques.

[64]  Hui Xu,et al.  Stylized rendering of 3D scanned real world environments , 2004, NPAR '04.

[65]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps , 2004, Rendering Techniques.

[66]  Simon Kozlov Perspective Shadow Maps: Care and Feeding , 2004 .

[67]  Timo Aila,et al.  Alias-Free Shadow Maps , 2004, Rendering Techniques.

[68]  George Drettakis,et al.  Flexible point-based rendering on mobile devices , 2004, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

[69]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Coherent Hierarchical Culling: Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful , 2004, Comput. Graph. Forum.

[70]  Jeremy D. Wendt,et al.  Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (2004) Real-time Appearance Preserving Out-of-core Rendering with Shadows , 2004 .

[71]  Enrico Gobbetti,et al.  Layered Point Clouds , 2004, PBG.

[72]  Timo Aila,et al.  dPVS: an occlusion culling system for massive dynamic environments , 2004, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

[73]  Tamy Boubekeur,et al.  Rapid Visualization of Large Point-Based Surfaces , 2005, VAST.

[74]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Automatic impostor placement for guaranteed frame rates and low memory requirements , 2005, I3D '05.

[75]  Lilian Aveneau,et al.  Coherent and Exact Polygon-to-Polygon Visibility , 2005, WSCG.

[76]  Alexander Reshetov,et al.  Multi-level ray tracing algorithm , 2005, ACM Trans. Graph..

[77]  Matt Pharr,et al.  Gpu gems 2: programming techniques for high-performance graphics and general-purpose computation , 2005 .

[78]  Tamal K. Dey,et al.  Eurographics Symposium on Point-based Graphics (2005) Normal Estimation for Point Clouds: a Comparison Study for a Voronoi Based Method , 2022 .

[79]  Philipp Slusallek,et al.  An interactive out-of-core rendering framework for visualizing massively complex models , 2004, Rendering Techniques.

[80]  Reinhard Klein,et al.  Identifying Planes in Point Clouds for Efficient Hybrid Rendering , 2005 .

[81]  Jens Schneider,et al.  DUODECIM - a structure for point scan compression and rendering , 2005, Proceedings Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium Point-Based Graphics, 2005..

[82]  Matthias Zwicker,et al.  High-quality surface splatting on today's GPUs , 2005, Proceedings Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium Point-Based Graphics, 2005..

[83]  Renato Pajarola,et al.  XSplat: External Memory Multiresolution Point Visualization , 2005 .

[84]  Philipp Slusallek,et al.  RPU: a programmable ray processing unit for realtime ray tracing , 2005, ACM Trans. Graph..

[85]  Budirijanto Purnomo,et al.  vLOD: high-fidelity walkthrough of large virtual environments , 2005, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

[86]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Fast exact from-region visibility in urban scenes , 2005, EGSR '05.

[87]  Shaun Nirenstein,et al.  A low dimensional framework for exact polygon-to-polygon occlusion queries , 2005, EGSR '05.

[88]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Adaptive visibility-driven view cell construction , 2006, EGSR '06.

[89]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Image Attributes and Quality for Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators , 2006 .

[90]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Guided visibility sampling , 2006, ACM Trans. Graph..

[91]  Georgios Papaioannou,et al.  Efficient Occlusion Culling using Solid Occluders , 2006 .

[92]  Loïc Barthe,et al.  Real-time soft shadow mapping by backprojection , 2006, EGSR '06.

[93]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Physically Based Real-Time Translucency for Leaves , 2007, Rendering Techniques.

[94]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Pixel-Correct Shadow Maps with Temporal Reprojection and Shadow Test Confidence , 2007, Rendering Techniques.

[95]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Unpopping: Solving the Image‐Space Blend Problem for Smooth Discrete LOD Transitions , 2007, Comput. Graph. Forum.

[96]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Interactive Smooth and Curved Shell Mapping , 2007, Rendering Techniques.

[97]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Queried virtual shadow maps , 2007, SI3D.

[98]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Optimized subdivisions for preprocessed visibility , 2007, GI '07.

[99]  Michael Wimmer,et al.  Fitted virtual shadow maps , 2007, GI '07.