Abstract In this paper, we will discuss a system that semantically interprets a formal database accessing language and generates natural language from this interpretation. In the past, the major way of communication between a user and a database was by means of a formal language. One such language is the SQL query language. Even though constructed as a user friendly language, SQL exemplifies the same difficulties for users as do other formal languages, namely a fairly rigid syntax, the necessity of variable binding, the lack of pronouns, and in the case of erroneous queries error messages that do not provide much insight. To alleviate some of the formal language problems, yet utilize the power of the formal language, we set out to build a natural language ‘umbrella’ for the SQL user. Our goal was not to build a natural language query system, but rather to use semantic knowledge and natural language for paraphrasing the formal language (SQL) and producing error messages as a feedback mechanism. In this way we build a genuine help facility, which would not only aid the user in dealing with SQL, but also trap erroneous queries.
Douglas E. Appelt,et al.
Transportability and Generality in a Natural-Language Interface System
William C. Ogden,et al.
Query languages for the casual user: Exploring the middle ground between formal and natural languages
CHI '83.
David L. Waltz,et al.
Writing a Natural Language Data Base System
Eva-Maria M. Mueckstein.
Q-TRANS: Query Translation Into English
S. R. Patrick.
Field Testing the Transformational Question Answering (Tqa) System
Phyllis Reisner,et al.
Human Factors Studies of Database Query Languages: A Survey and Assessment