Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing

Partial table of contents: MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY AND BASIC STATISTICAL CONCEPTS. Managing Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Process Improvement. Probability and Hazard Plotting. Distributions and Statistical Processes. SOLVING DEFINED PROBLEMS. Inferences: Continuous Response. Comparison Tests. Reliability Testing: Repairable System. Factorial Experiments and Variance Components Analysis: Concepts/Designs. Factorial Experiments and Variance Components: Computer Analyses. Factorial Experiments: Taguchi Contributions. Response Surface and Mixture Designs. Pass/Fail Functional Testing. Analyses of Processes. COMBINING VARIOUS STATISTICAL CONCEPTS AND OTHER IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS. Determining the Needs of the Customer. Development and Manufacturing Process Improvement "Tools". Examples with Do-It-Smarter Considerations. Appendices. References. Indexes.