Exploring the Factors Influencing Continuance Usage of Over-the-Top Services: The Interactivity, Consumption Value, and Satisfaction Perspectives

Over-the-top (OTT) TV services are pervasive in local and global markets. Compared with traditional media consumption, OTT platforms afford users more control over content selection at a cheaper price. However, discussions of OTT services are limited and do not reveal the antecedents and consequences of OTT use from individual perspectives. Therefore, this study developed an empirical model by integrating perceived interactivity, perceived value, satisfaction, and continuance usage. After collecting data from 230 OTT users, we confirmed most of the researcher's proposed hypotheses and that perceived platform interactivity is the most critical indicator of OTT use. OTT users may prefer interacting with content and the social community from a value perspective. Perceived interactivity and perceived value are strong indicators of satisfaction and continuance usage of OTT services. Implications for academics and practitioners are discussed.

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