The preparation of the OSU Securement System for a Demonstration Project has been a multifaceted and multi-year project. The project has involved the development and testing of an occupant restraint system and interface design concepts for a large number of mobility aids in common use. The project has also involved technology transfer activities such as patent applications and license rights to the technology. The project design team has been involved in numerous standards organization activities, the development of a production version of the securement system, and sled tests of the production version of the OSU securement system. The OSU securement system is an auto engaging securement system that is also known as the 'Independent Locking Securement' (ILS) system. The quality Functional Deployment was used for the design of the OSU Restraint system. The QFD approach included surveying present technology, establishing customer requirements, studying design loads, determining functional decomposition of the device requirements, establishing engineering requirements, bench marking present technology, generating new ideas, selecting a final design, construction of several prototypes, conducting human-factor testing and undertaking both static and dynamic tests, and making a final recommendation of the design. An Advisory Committee consisting of persons with disabilities and representatives of a number of transit agencies assisted with the design and calibration of the QFD matrix. In addition to the restraint system, a number of mobility aid interfaces were designed to be used with the Independent Locking Securement System. The project report documents the many activities of the research and development project.