Evaluation of Iodine Source Term in PWR under Loss of Coolant Accident

During the severe accident in nuclear power plant (NPP), large amounts of fission products are released with accident progression, including In-vessel and Ex-vessel release. Thus, the Source term evaluation is essential for the probability risk assessment (PRA) and is still imperative for the licensing and operation of NPPs. Iodine is one of the most reactive fission products emitting in a large amount to containment and have a severe impact on health and sounding environment. Therefore, the iodine source term has been evaluated for 1000MW Reactor, by considering the TMI-2 as the reference reactor. The modeling and simulation of released radioactivity have been carried out by developing a MATLAB computer-based program. For post 1100 operation days, with the instantaneous release of radioactivity to the containment has been studied under LOCA. The dependency of radioiodine on ventilation exhaust rates has been studied in normal, emergency and isolation mode of containment. Moreover, the containment retention factor is also evaluated in said states of containment.