Software products quality improvement with a programming style guide and a measurement process

Quality requirements of industrial software are very high and the correctness of the source code is of great importance for this purpose. For this reason, the objective of QUALIMET (ESSI Project 23982) is to improve the software development process, introducing a set of style norms to be used when coding in C++, defining a set of metrics to be used on the source code in order to check its quality and testing this approach in a baseline project. The paper presents the work that is being carried out under this project It is expected that at the end of QUALIMET, the incorporation of these quality assurance techniques into the current methodology for developing software, will allow to have a complete methodology that guarantees software product quality, minimising the complexity of the code earlier in the programming process, yielding more maintainable and less error-prone software and improving the quality of the software and the satisfaction of customers.