Deliberative versus implemental states of mind: The issue of impartiality in predecisional and postdecisional information processing

A model of action phases is presented (Heckhausen, 1986) according to which different modes of information processing characterize predecisional and postdecisional phases. In the predecisional phase, one is oriented toward the impartial processing of information on available choice alternatives. In the postdecisional/preactional phase, information processing is geared toward an efficient implementation of the chosen action alternative. In the present study, male subjects were asked to choose one of two female partner subjects with whom they would like to have an informal conversation. Subjects were provided with information about the two partners' attributes, on which cued- and free-recall tests were later given. One group received and recalled the information before making the decision; a second group received the information before deciding, and recalled the information after they had made the decision; and a third group received and recalled the information after making the decision. The third group sh...