Machinery Safety Requirements as an Effective Tools for Operational Safety Management

Free circulation of goods is the major pillar of the single united market of European Union’s (EU) member states and main motivated power of competitiveness and economical acceleration in EU. By using the legislative were defined base requirements on goods and also high level of authorized interest protection of goods users. The main changes in H&S (Health and Safety) management and also in Machinery safety started after implementation the Framework Directive 89/391/EEC and Directive 89/392/EEC in 1989 year. Directive 89/391/EEC implements systematical tools in H&S management as: H&S politics, Risk Management, education requirements, review activities, employee’s involvement in H&S procedures. Directive 89/392/EEC, on the present time 2006/42/EC directive, implements for machinery producer or its contractor duties to access risk for each stage of machinery life cycle and implement adequate measures. These legislative requirements had changed all procedures and rules, which were used in H&S area.