An Overview of Three Approaches to Multidisciplinary Aeropropulsion Simulations

The broad scope of aeropropulsion multidisciplinary applications necessitates that a collection of approaches, with distinct capabilities, be developed. Three general approaches to multidisciplinary simulations have been identified. The three approaches; loosely coupled, coupled process, and multiphysics, provide a comprehensive collection of capabilities for multidisciplinary aeropropulsion analysis. At the data access level, or loosely coupled approach of coupling, existing disciplinary simulations are run, data is generated, and made available and used for subsequent analysis. The data must be in the correct format for implementation by the subsequent analysis but the subsequent code need not directly communicate with the previous code. At the process level, or coupled process approach of coupling, individual disciplinary codes are used, similarly to the loosely coupled approach, however, in the coupled process approach the disciplinary codes need to run concurrently with each other. The system of equation coupled approach, or multiphysics approach, addresses those applications whose characteristics require that the disciplines be coupled at the fundamental equation level to accurately, or more efficiently, capture the multidisciplinary physics of the problem. No one of these approaches, by itself, addresses all of the community needs in this area. However, collectively the three approaches encompass all of the multidisciplinary applications which have been identified thus far. Multiple approaches to multidisciplinary simulations will be needed as long as the applications and their requirements remain as diverse as they currently are today.