Theoretical and experimental vibration analysis of an oblique space frame

This paper has the general objectives of relating analytical and experimental techniques for analysis of indeterminate spatial frames under dynamic loading. The model used has been made as general as possible to explore validity for nonstereotyped configurations. A highly redundant oblique four-bar space frame was selected having a lowest natural frequency of 42.1 cps.Recent success of the finite-element-matrix method and progress in the field of nonlinear optimization provides a rational basis for the synthesis of space frames; however, the validity of the discretization, both for strength-stiffness analysis and dynamic analysis, has not been explored for this type of configuration.The flexibility influence coefficients, the natural frequencies and the steady-state vibration amplitudes were experimentally determined and compared with theoretical values. Influence coefficients had an “error” of between four and 10 percent; the six lowest natural frequencies were in agreement within 15 percent when rotary inertia was considered. Steady-state amplitudes were in good agreement at frequencies not too close to resonance.