Kinetics of steam gasification of delayed and fluid cokes derived from Athabasca bitumen have been studied in 6.35 cm diameter stirred and fixed bed reactors. Experiments were carried out at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures between 800°C and 930°C. The coke particle size ranged from 0.1 to 3.5 mm, and the steam partial pressure was varied from 15.2 to 60.6 kPa. Scanning electron microscopy, surface area analysis, and mercury porosimetry were employed to relate physical structure changes in the solids to experimental kinetic data. Several kinetic models for gasification were tested with the experimental gasification data. Rate expressions are presented for carbon conversion and for the release of sulphur.
On a etudie la cinetique de gazeification des vapeurs de cokes dilues et fluides derives de bitumes d'Athabasca dans des reacteurs a lits agites et fixes. Des experiences ont ete menees a la pression atmospherique et a des temperatures comprises entre 800 et 930°C. La taille des particules de coke varie entre 0,1 et 3,5 mm et on a fait varier la pression partielle de la vapeur de 15,2 a 60,6 kPa. On a utilise la microscopie electronique a balayage, l'analyse de la surface et la porosimetrie au mercure pour relier les changements de structure physique dans les solides aux donnees cinetiques experimentales. Plusieurs modeles cinetiques pour la gazeification ont ete testes avec les donnees de gazeification experimentales. Des expressions de la vitesse sont presentees pour la conversion du carbone et pour la liberation du soufre.
Edward Furimsky,et al.
Gasification reactivities of cokes derived from athabasca bitumen
T. Adschiri,et al.
Relation between CO2-reactivity of coal char and BET surface area
E. Tollefson,et al.
Upgrading of delayed and fluid cokes from oil sand by desulfurization
A. Watkinson,et al.
Gasification of oil sand coke
Yusaku Sakata,et al.
Kinetic evaluation of the reactivity of various coal chars for gasification with carbon dioxide in comparison with steam
B. Parmar,et al.
Desulfurization of oil sands coke
D. D. Perlmutter,et al.
A random pore model for fluid‐solid reactions: II. Diffusion and transport effects
George R. Gavals.
A Random Capillary Model with Application to Char Gasification at Chemically Controlled Rates
H. Hottel,et al.
Reaction kinetics of carbon dioxide with electrode carbon particles
T. Kojima,et al.
Prediction of CO2 gasification rate of char in fluidized bed gasifier